So a while ago I was performing in a club and a while after my show I was chilling out enjoying a post show drink when a girl collapsed.
Having been trained in first aid and no-one else nearby seemed to know anything so I "took charge" for a lack of a better word.
Standard basic assessment followed, checked for signs of life, loosened her corset etc and here is what I found.
Unconcious girl, shallow breathing, dilated pupils, no signs of injury etc. Which leaves the diagnosis very open ended. Spiked drink, heat stroke, heart attack, death rays from mars...
So I called for an ambulance and drafted several guys to help me carry her outside to aid treatment and get her to the ambulance faster.
During all of this, her ex-girlfriend/best mate is telling me "oh sheapos;s fine just leave her". Her corset is probably too tight, I try to explain quickly that her drink may have been spiked and I am informed that no-one would do that to her, at which point I stopped talking to her.
We put a bouncers jacket on the ground and put her down. Remembering that putting a girl on cold concrete when sheapos;s just been in a club the rapid temperature difference may ause a minor "fit"
When this happens some time later I go to cushion her head, at which point said best mate turns up again shouting that you have to let people fit, which has an element of truth, however the head needs to be protected. Said girl decided her best course of action was to grab my dreadlocks and pull me back into a parked car. Luckily one of the bouncers managed to cushion her head.
I resist the urge to beat a woman to death in a london street and carry on attending to the unconcious girl while "best mate" tries to get security to remove me and to cancel ambulance because "sheapos;s fine, and sheapos;ll be embarresed if you get an ambulance"
PAramedics turn up, I tell them all that has happened and get out of their way and stay nearby in case they need anything more from me, girl still protesting.
15 mins later paramedics give me a general "good job mate" and I was pleased to hear that (A) I had done everything right and (B) they girl was ok. It turns out she had a combination of factors. Her corset was on too tight, she was overheating and she has nothing to eat but coffee for two days, no sleep for two days didnapos;t help either.
Cut two days later and I find out from a friend that the best mate has put a post on her blog.
"Oh yeah, thanks to the dickhead who called an ambulance on sat. FFS next time someone faints in a club donapos;t just assume that itapos;s drugs or something like that. XXXX was just too hot. Next time someone collapses in a nightclub and you donapos;t know whatapos;s wrong then just wait to see if they get better and donapos;t just panic and call an ambulance"
Can ANYONE see her side of the argument???
At all?
fort hotel lauderdale plantation renaissance.
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