Hair loss has been a really hard thing for me to accept. Looking at my dadapos;s brother and my momapos;s brothers makes me feel so doomed. My brotherapos;s not doing so well either. He started losing his hair at my age and now heapos;s got his head shaved and wears hats a lot. Iapos;m just not a hat kind of guy. Nor a shaved head kind of guy either. If I could afford it, Iapos;d probably be taking Propecia or something. I never really talked about it with anyone. I certainly get made fun of a lot for it. Itapos;s a bummer man. Societyapos;s totally uncool about it. Itapos;s something thatapos;s not my fault, and really, not a big deal at all. Itapos;s just that people make it a big deal. Sucks to your assmar.
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