Saturday was a very good night at work for me. First, a girl bartender that I donapos;t really like working with felt sick, so someone else came in to work for her. Second, I talked with a friend and former co-worker who has a fence-building business heapos;s been running for a few months. Heapos;s been crazy busy lately, of course, and needs another guy helping him. So, Iapos;m starting tomorrow. Itapos;s basically a second job which will hopefully be pulling in a couple thousand extra a month for me, which I really need right now. And finally, the thing that made my night, my boss apologized to me for the way he acted last Saturday at the end of the night after the big party. So, life is pretty good for me right now.
Iapos;ve also got my two batches of beer fermenting away. The pumpkin ale smells fantastic; I canapos;t wait to try it. If everything goes according to plan, Iapos;ll keg up my wheat beer and move my pumpkin ale into a secondary fermenter this coming week, and brew two more batches, a peanut butter brown ale and a Christmas ale, next weekend. Then Iapos;ll be almost at full capacity on beer-making.
Iapos;ve been working on my interactive fiction again, which is a lot of fun. I just need to get motivated on my small business management class again. Since the storm, weapos;ve got no set schedule and just have to have everything done by the end of the semester. This is potential disaster for me, since I suck at setting my own deadlines. I think I put this somewhere before, but I made a list of things I need to be going well for life satisfaction:
Iapos;d say Iapos;ve got three out of five right now, and Iapos;m not really out of shape, so the yoga thing is okay. Hopefully, the money situation will soon improve, and Iapos;ll be stylin.
elbowrooms,, elbows.
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