So yesterday I was getting on the El when I guy bumped into me. I had just put my wallet away from taking out my CTA card. He then ran in the opposite direction. Immediately I suspected he had stolen my wallet. I thought about screaming or trying to grab him but I didnapos;t. What if he had a knife or something? Then Iapos;d be stabbed, and lose my wallet.
But I lost my wallet. I spent the entire train ride home trying to cancel my cards. Two of the three were immediate and fine. Fraud prevention noticed things on my US Bank card immediately and suspended it. But Bank of America, who I just opened a new account with because theyapos;re convenient, I spent 30 minutes on hold with waiting to talk to a live person. When I finally did they couldnapos;t find a record of my account and put me on hold for another 10 minutes before I gave up. So while this guy got one or two purchases off on my other accounts he got more than 13 on this one before someone finally wised up. I have to assume my account is empty and it will take upwards of 10 business days for me to see that money again.
I reported on this sort of shit twice a week, every week for a year and a half. I know how common it is. I know the right steps to take. Iapos;ve been more frustrated and angry at being victimized than anything else. I know heapos;ll never be caught. These guys never are. There will be an image of him on various store cameras, like the 11 gas stations my card was used at or the Circuit City. And heapos;ll just be another pick pocket/identity thief who makes a decent living off of banks and retailers. Iapos;ve never seen an arrest report for one of these guys unless they get caught doing something dumb like DUI or speeding and then they find these credit cards on them.
But the fact that I tried to get my account suspended for Bank of America and it didnapos;t help, that he was able to just keep on partying with my money until this morning, disgusts me and makes me feel even more victimized. I feel like a victim of some understaffed office and a system that has no way to prioritize urgency. My bet is lost upwards of $2,000 that Iapos;ll be without for half a month. Iapos;m just happy I have a check I havenapos;t deposited yet that I can cash today to get me by until the new cards arrive and allow me to get a new license.
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